News/Updates Competitor Analysis Tools
Some news published by your competitors is easy to follow via their blog or social channels, other news that gets coverage is traditional outlets can be harder to track. The competitor analysis tools in this list help track both by watching both social media and news outlets for any mention of your competitors and they display the results in a central dashboard for analysis and tracking. These services will typically also offer some sort of weekly digest or alert feature to better track these mentions and competitor coverage.
WatchMyCompetitor uses AI to watch your competitors and identify insights that could lead to opportunities or ideas. They track product changes, pricing updates, promotations, and other changes in near real-time so brands can quickly act on what they learn from their competitors.
More Details +Contify
Contify identify a long list of key competitive insights including business performance, business expansion, new products, new clients, go-to-market efforts, quotes and posts from company leadership, legal challenges, blog posts, job postings, and more so no matter where the opportuniites lie, your team can quickly identify ways to act.
More Details +Mention
Monitor allows you to watch, well, mentions of your competitors on both traditional news as well as social media, forums, blogs, review websites, and more to understand what they're doing and how you can react. Plus, their analytics provide insights into frequency and breadth to understand each competitors' share of voice.
More Details +Owler
Owler allows you to track news and mentions of a huge number of companies and get a feed of that news delivered right to your inbox or in your browser. The free plan lets you track up to 5 competitors while paid plans allow more advanced features like unlimited competitors, automation, and syncing to your CRM and communications tools.
More Details +Klue
Cometimes called competitive enablement, Klue looks to combine market, competitor, and buy insights into a single platform and then use AI to surface key insights to their users. Klue is designed for use by sales, executive teams, product leadership, and marketing so that everyone has insights into what every competitor is doing and can identify opportunities to act.
More Details +Crayon
Crayon is primarily focused on news and websites as a data source, but they are one of the platforms that works hard to surface the stuff that matters instead of leaving it up to the user to find those. Using AI they create an inbox of insights that are summarized, scored, and ready to share with your team if you see something worth acting on.
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